Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh Babe I Hate to Go

A few months ago Daddy had a great idea. "You should get away", he suggested. I thought about it for awhile and then made plans to go see Leslee in San Diego. Cool!

However, today is the big day. I hardly slept because I am excited ... and nervous, too. What's to be nervous about? Daddy is a pro at baby care. Everything will be fine. So what is my problem?

Look at that face! Have you seen that face? I mean, really?! Who could leave that perfect, sweet, angel faced, little, chubby, smiley, giggly, baby girl?! She just started saying "Ma ma"! Am I crazy?!

Okay. Taking a deep breath now. The wisdom of the airline safety speech is coming to mind. Traveling with small children? Put the mask over yourself first. Got it. Time with one of my dearest, soul soothing friends can only do me good. Its just the leaving on a jet plane part that is hard.

My bags aren't quite packed, but thanks to Matt the bills are paid and I do know when I'll be back again. I might hate to go, but I know for sure I will love coming back.

Maybe Daddy will do a blog posting of his weekend? Comments and coaxing welcome!

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