Monday, October 19, 2009

Looks Like We Made It

Today we are celebrating our 100th post and counting the days until Cece's 1st birthday. What better time to pat ourselves on the back? After all, we are very proud that we made it ... rather her! I know the miracle of life is not a new concept but we still can't believe we made a baby. Our darling collaboration is clearly equal parts Mommy and Daddy. But, who does Cece most resemble? Let's compare baby pictures:

Mommy was always a bit of a swinger.

Daddy working the phone - classic!

Cece is checking out a picture of Mommy and Daddy. She's obviously not certain either!

What do you think?!

Happy 100th Post!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Two's Company

What's better than having a visitor? Having TWO visitors!
Last weekend was pretty special. First, we enjoyed the company of Auntie Sheree who was in town for a meeting. Although our visit was short, Auntie Sheree packed a ton of love into every moment.

Cece helps Auntie Sheree with her e-mail and English Muffin.

But wait! There's more!
We also got to see Uncle Christopher, one of Daddy's best buds who was in town to visit us and his Aunt who lives here, too. After back to back rounds of golf with Daddy, Uncle Christopher miraculously had enough energy left to squeeze Cece and flash us his million dollar smile before taking off again.

Thanks for coming, Aunt Sheree and Uncle Chris. We love you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Boys of Bummer

Our baseball season came to a close on Sunday as we watched our boys get swept in the playoffs. Daddy is teaching Cece that being a fan means win or lose we stand by our team. Oh, and that a little bottle of your favorite potion always help ease the disappointment. Goodnight, Green Monster! See you in the Spring!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dada Dada Dada!

Align Left
Here's a quiz. When does Cece say "Dada"?

a. First thing in the morning.
b. About every 20 minutes.
c. When I try to get her to say "mama".
d. All of the frickin' above.

You guessed it. All day long Cece sings "Dada! Dada! Dada!". When Daddy comes home? She practically convulses with joy. Sure, I get a little taste of that myself once in a while and it is the most whole-body-melting experience ever. But I have to say nothing lights Cece up like her Daddy.
Believe me, kid. I know exactly how you feel.